UPG Open Enrollment

UPG Open Enrollment



UPG Open Enrollment for plan year July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025 

From May 20 – 31, 2024, you will have an annual opportunity to add or drop a plan, change plan level (for dental), and make changes to your covered dependents without having a qualifying life event. For those employees with life insurance through Guardian, Open Enrollment provides an opportunity, with limits, to initiate or increase your coverage, without needing to submit Evidence of Insurability. You can also re-enroll in or start a flexible spending account during this time.

Critical to Know: Action is Required to Avoid Waiving of Your Coverage

  • This is an active enrollment. Everyone must complete an Open Enrollment event between May 20 – May 31, 2024 in WorkdayYour medical insurance and flexible spending accounts will default to waived and must be re-elected.  If you do not complete an event, your medical and FSA coverages will end on June 30, 2024.
  • Open Enrollment closes at 5:00 pm on May 31.
  • Elections take effect July 1, 2024. The plan year deductions will first be reflected on your July 12 paycheck. 

What is new?

  • We have added a new health insurance option through Anthem. This is a high deductible plan (HDHP). This new plan is compatible with a Health Savings Account (HSA). For employees electing the HDHP, UPG will contribute $750 to the HSA for employee only; $1500 if you have one or more dependents on the plan.
  • The HDHP provides a plan choice with lower premiums. 
  • An HSA will be available to all participants who elect the HDHP. The IRS does not allow participation in both an HSA and a Full Medical Flexible Spending Account (FSA), so we will introduce a Limited FSA for those with the HDHP. A Limited FSA can be used for dental and vision expenses only. Please see the "Health Savings Account (HSA)" section below for details on this new option and how to transfer from an FSA to an HSA.

Your options are expanding. Plan to attend a virtual session to learn more about the new plan and health savings account benefits. Dates for the sessions are in the sidebar.

What is staying the same?

  • We will still be offering the health insurance plans we have had with Anthem. There will be a slight increase in employee rates, despite an overall increase of 11%. You will find the rate sheet for all plans in the "Overview" section below. As a reminder, there is no difference in rates based on part-time or full-time status.
  • Guardian remains the vendor for Dental and Vision coverage and the rates remain the same.
  • McGriff Insurance Services will continue to administer all the flexible spending options. There is an increase in the maximum allowed for the medical FSA and the rollover allowed in 2025. Please see Benefit Savings Account Options below for more details.

Overview of Health, Dental, and Vision Plans

  • The UPG plan year is July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025. After Open Enrollment, you will only be able to make changes if you experience a qualifying life event. As a reminder, we are now allowing 60 days to make a change for a qualifying life event.
  • All deductions are pre-tax and paid on a bi-weekly basis.
UPG Premiums Rate Sheet for Plan Year 2024 – 2025: Health, Dental, and Vision Watch this Recorded Virtual Session for Additional Insight

Insurance Benefits Details

  • Health Insurance

    Every employee has different healthcare needs. Starting with this coming plan year, you will have more options to choose from to meet your and your family’s needs. All options are administered by Anthem and cover preventative care at 100%, provided you stay in-network. The cost of health insurance premiums is shared between UPG and the employee. Please be sure to review the comparison resources provided below. 

    The new plan will be reviewed in the Benefit Sessions.  Plan to attend to learn more about your expanded options.  Please be sure to review the comparison resources provided below. 

    Virginia residents will have two plans one plan available to them:

    • Anthem Healthkeepers- Tiered plan.  This is the plan we have had in place and there are no changes.  It is an open access point of the service plan, and no referral is needed for specialist visits. The network is a Virginia-based network of providers.  There are two in-network tiers, with lower co-pays and co-insurance for utilizing UVA/UPG providers. This benefit includes a vision benefit of one routine eye exam per plan year per member.
    • NEW! Anthem High Deductible plan (HDHP). Deductible applies to all services except preventative services. Deductible applies to all pharmacy with the exception of PreventiveRX medications (see list below under Resources). Once the deductible is met, cost sharing is 90/10 with copays for prescriptions. The network is a Virginia-based network of providers, and it is not tiered. This plan is compatible with a Health Savings Account (HSA), which UPG will contribute to if elected. 

    Non-Virginia residents will have one plan available to them:

    • Anthem KeyCare plan. This is an open access point of service plan, and no referral is needed for specialist visits. This benefit includes a vision benefit of one routine eye exam per plan year per member.

    Plan Summaries:

    Additional Resources

    UPG Premiums Rate Sheet for Plan Year 2024 – 2025
  • Voluntary Dental and Vision Insurance

    UPG will offer voluntary dental and vision plans through Guardian. There are two dental plan options from which to choose based on the level of dental coverage you and your family need. View details in the "Guardian Dental Plan Summary" below to compare the Base and High Plans.

    There is a vision benefit for a routine eye exam within the HealthKeepers and KeyCare plans. However, employees have an option to elect a buy-up vision plan through Guardian that provides for material benefits as well as the routine eye exam. Dental and Buy Up Vision insurance is fully employee-paid. 


    UPG Premiums Rate Sheet for Plan Year 2024 – 2025
  • Health Savings Account (HSA)

    This section outlines the Health Savings Account available to High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) participants only. This account allows you to put aside pre-tax dollars that can grow over time (not use or lose like an FSA). If the HSA is elected, employer contributions will be made as well. This can be a valuable resource to offset the higher deductible as well as be a savings and investment vehicle. HDHP participants should also view the Flexible Spending Section (FSA) for information on the Limited FSA available to them. This account is managed by McGriff Insurance Services.

    HSA Eligibility

    Only HDHP participants can elect to an HSA. This can be used for any dependents, regardless of whether the dependents are enrolled in the health plan. This can be used in conjunction with a Limited FSA (see "Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)" section below).

    There are additional IRS restrictions on who can participate in an HSA.

    You are eligible for an HSA if:

    • You are not enrolled in Medicare, Part A, or Part B.
    • You or your spouse do not have a balance in a Full Healthcare FSA.  For those employees currently participating in our FSA, please see the section below on transition.
    • If you cannot be claimed as a dependent on another person’s tax return.
    • If you have not received healthcare benefits from the Veterans Administration (Tricare) within the last three months
    • If your household has not already reached the annual contribution limit for an HSA

    Receiving employer seed funds is considered participation, even if you do not choose to contribute yourself.  Be sure to review the HSA Educational Materials linked below to review all eligibility guidelines.  Reach out to the Benefits team if you have any questions about your specific situation.  McGriff representatives will also be available during the scheduled benefit sessions.

    HSA Highlights
    • Can be used for eligible health care, dental, and vision expenses
    • Balances roll over each year and accrue interest, allowing you to save pre-tax dollars over time for medical expenses
    • You get to keep the balance even if you leave UPG or move to a non-HAS eligible health plan
    •  Both employees and employers can make pre-tax contributions up to the IRS annual limit. For those 55 and older, an additional catch-up amount is allowed.
    • Seed funds from UPG can help offset higher deductible: $750 employee only | $1,500 all other coverage levels. You do not need to contribute to the HSA yourself to receive the employer seed funds.  
    • Can be used with a dental/vision-only Limited FSA 
    • You may invest your HSA assets in a variety of investment options for potential growth of your account over time. Any growth made from the investment is tax-free as long as it is used on eligible medical expenses (see "Resources" below).
    • You can change your employee contribution at any time in Workday.
    • Contributions can be used to pay eligible expenses incurred on or after the HSA account is open. When you first enroll, McGriff Insurance Services may require additional information to open your HSA. Please respond to emails in a timely manner to avoid forfeiture of the UPG employer contribution to your HSA.
    HSA 2024 Annual IRS Contribution Limits

    These limits include employer contribution and contributions made outside of UPG.

    • $4,150 for employee only
    • $8,300 for employee + dependents or family
    • Up to $1,000 in additional contributions for age 55 and over
    • Combined $8,300 if both spouses are eligible and contributing to an HSA, regardless of their employer (current maximum set by IRS)
    Transitioning from an FSA to an HSA
    • Per IRS regulations, you cannot participate in both a Full FSA and an HSA. If you are currently enrolled in UPG’s FSA and enroll in the HDHP/HSA, then we need to close your current Full FSA. Otherwise, your HSA cannot be opened, and you will not be able to make employee contributions, or accept the UPG seed funds. 
    • You have until June 30 to use the funds in your account, otherwise you will forfeit any funds over the $610 rollover maximum. While the IRS does not allow participating in a Full FSA and HSA at the same time, you can have an HSA at the same time as a Limited FSA. Therefore, the rollover maximum will be moved to a Limited FSA as of July 1, 2024 and you will be able to use those funds on dental or vision expenses only going forward. You will be able to submit for reimbursement for expenses occurring before June 30, 2024 for up to 90-days to reduce your rollover or forfeited amount. The FSA store is a great way to help spend unused dollars prior to June 30th. 
    HSA Contributions
    • HSAs for new hires and those newly-eligible for an are effective on the first of the month following the submission of the enrollment request in Workday.
    • You must elect the HSA to receive the employer seed funds. But You DO NOT need to contribute to the HSA to receive the employer seed funds.
    • Because the employer funds are considered active participation in the HSA, please be sure you are eligible before electing.
    • Employer seed funds will be based off your coverage tier on the date of enrollment.  If you add or remove a dependent during the plan year, the employer seed funds will not adjust until the following plan year
      • Employee-only coverage on 7/1/2024: $750
      • Employee Plus on 7/1/2024: $1,500
    • Changes to your HSA contributions can be made at any-time.
    • When you make your election, Workday will calculate your annual goal. As payroll is processed throughout the year, Workday will ensure your UPG contributions and employer seed funds do not exceed the annual contribution limit. Workday cannot factor in any other contributions your household makes into an HSA. 

    • Because payroll processes are based on the annual goal, per-paycheck contributions may adjust. For example, if your HSA employee deductions aren’t taken from your paychecks because you don’t have enough earnings, the missing deductions will be taken from future paychecks when you again have enough earnings to withhold HSA deductions

    HSA Over-Contributions
    • Each employee utilizing IRS tax shelters such as FSAs and HSAs is responsible for assuring their IRS compliance.
    • Be sure your spouse does not open a Full FSA during the same calendar year in which you are enrolled in the UPG HSA Program. If this, or any other coordination issue between you and your spouse or other family members occurs, you will be able to cancel future elections, but not make retroactive changes to your contributions or deductions to remedy any tax problems that might result.
    HSAs and Medicare
    • IRS regulations state that contributions cannot be made to HSA accounts from those who are enrolled in Medicare. If you are enrolled in any part of Medicare, including Medicare Part A, you cannot be enrolled in the UPG HSA Program. You can enroll in the HDHP, as you are able to use funds from preexisting HSA accounts.
    • If you anticipate enrolling in Medicare during the plan year, please reach out to us.
    • If your spouse is on Medicare, this does not disqualify you from continuing contributions to the HSA up to the family limit, even if they are also covered by the HDHP. Your funds can be used to also pay for their medical expenses and reimbursement for their Medicare premiums. 

    HSA Education Materials<----- Start Here
    HSA Planner 
    HSA Welcome Guide
    HSA Brokerage Account FAQ
    HSA Investments Guide 2024
    HSA Mutual Funds
    FSA Store

  • Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)

    To help employees maximize their dollars for medical, pharmacy, dental, vision, and dependent-care expenses, UPG offers Health Savings Accounts (HSA) (High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) participants only), Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs), and Dependent Daycare Reimbursement Accounts.

    This section outlines the Flexible Spending Account (FSA) and Dependent Daycare Reimbursement Account options that enable you to put pre-taxed money aside through payroll deduction for eligible expenses, thus making your dollars go further. These accounts are managed by McGriff Insurance Services.

    Full Flexible Spending Account (FSA or Full FSA)
    • You are not required to be enrolled in a UPG health plan to enroll in a UPG FSA plan
    • Helps offset out-of-pocket health care expenses including dental and vision copays, deductibles, and coinsurance, and certain over-the-counter medications and medical supplies.
    • Full amount of annual contribution election is available after your first paycheck of the plan year
    • IRS contribution limit for 2024 – 2025 plan year is $3,200
    • USE or LOSE account. For the 2024 – 2025 plan year, $640 unused dollars can be rolled into next year’s plan.
    Limited Flexible Spending Account (Limited FSA)
    • Helps offset out-of-pocket dental and vision care expenses; may be used in combination with a health savings account (HSA)
    • Full amount of annual contributions is available after your first paycheck of the plan year
    • IRS contribution limit for 2024 – 2025 plan year is $3,200
    • USE or LOSE account. For the 2024 – 2025 plan year, $640 unused dollars can be rolled into next year’s plan.
    Dependent Daycare Reimbursement Account
    • Helps offset qualified day care expenses.
    • IRS Contribution Limit for 2024 – 2025 plan year is $5,000
    • USE or LOSE account without any rollover
    • UPG has a run-out period of 90 days for submitting expenses incurred during the plan year. After the run-out period ends, your unused dollars are forfeited
    • When choosing how much to contribute, anticipate dependent eligibility changes. For example, if your child will be turning 13 mid-year, you will have a reduction in eligible expenses mid-year as well.
    FSA Eligibility

    In general, to be eligible for an FSA of any type you must be a full- or part-time benefited UPG employee, and regularly scheduled to work at least 20 hours/week. Your UPG Health Plan option determines which type(s) of accounts you are eligible for.

    • All benefit-eligible employees may enroll in the Full FSA, even if they have waived health insurance coverage, unless they are enrolled in the HDHP. These pre-tax dollars can be used for eligible medical, dental, and vision expenses. This can be used for any dependents, regardless of whether they enrolled in the health plan.
    • HDHP participants may enroll in the Limited FSA, which can be used for eligible dental and vision expenses. This can be used in conjunction with the Health Savings Account (HSA).
    • Any benefit-eligible employee with qualifying dependents may enroll in the Dependent Daycare Reimbursement Account. Qualifying expenses are for dependents under the age of 13 at the time of the daycare service and claimed as dependents on your tax return OR care for your spouse or a relative who is physically or mentally incapable of self-care and lives in your home more than half the year. 
    FSA Contributions
    • FSAs for new hires and those newly-eligible for an FSA are effective on the first of the month following the submission of the enrollment request in Workday.
    • FSA funds must be used by the end of the plan year, so make sure you put aside an amount that will be reasonable for you to spend within the allotted time. However, UPG has a run-out period of 90 days for submitting expenses incurred during the plan year. After the run-out period ends, your unused dollars are forfeited, with the exception of the allowed roll over. 
    • Changes to your FSA contributions can only be made during the annual Open Enrollment period or after a qualified life event like a loss of dependent eligibility or a birth or adoption.
    FSA Over-Contributions
    • Each employee utilizing IRS tax shelters such as FSAs and HSAs is responsible for assuring their IRS compliance. Failing to coordinate your FSA contribution amount with that of your spouse is not a qualified life event. You will not be able to change your election if you discover that your combined contributions exceed the IRS maximum. The resulting over-contribution can be addressed when filing your tax return.
    • Be sure your spouse does not open a Full FSA during the same calendar year in which you are enrolled in the UPG HSA Program. If this, or any other coordination issue between you and your spouse or other family members occurs, you will be able to cancel future elections, but not make retroactive changes to your contributions or deductions to remedy any tax problems that might result.
    FSA Contributions Availability
    • FSA (Full or Limited): the full contribution amount you choose for the year is available as soon as the account is open and after your first paycheck of the plan year. This flexibility to spend planned FSA contributions before they accrue can be helpful. For example, your child is getting braces in July and you selected to contribute $1000 into an FSA for the plan year. You are able to use the full contribution amount beginning after the first paycheck of the plan year to help pay for the braces, although pro-rated payroll deductions will continue through the remainder of the year.
    • Dependent Daycare Reimbursement Account: funds are available after the payroll deductions post to your account – typically the Monday following payday. The deadline for submitting reimbursements for a Wednesday deposit is Monday. If a reimbursement request exceeds what is in your account, McGriff Insurance Services will hold the request until you have the funds to cover posted to your account.

    FSA Education Guide
    FSA Quick Start Guide
    AccessCard Substantiation
    Mobile App 
    Eligible/Ineligible Expenses Flyer
    Dependent Daycare Reimbursement Account Flyer
    Limited FSA Flyer
    FSA Store

  • Life Insurance

    UPG provides Basic Life and Accidental Death and Dismemberment insurance to managers and staff at 200% of annual salary. Supplemental coverage can be purchased and paid through payroll deduction. During Open Enrollment, supplemental coverage can be increased per limits below without Evidence of Insurability. Please note: this does not apply to employees with life insurance coverage through MetLife. 


    • If you already carry supplemental coverage for yourself, you may increase your coverage $10,000 or $20,000 for yourself without submitting certification of good health.
    • If you already carry supplemental for a spouse, you may increase spousal coverage $5,000 or $10,000 without submitting certification of good health. Coverage purchased for spouse cannot exceed amount purchased for employee.
    • If you are a new enrollee, are enrolling a dependent, or are increasing coverage beyond the increments above, you will be required to submit Evidence of Insurability to the carrier. Guardian will mail this form to you. In that case, the coverage will not go into effect until Guardian has approved your application. 


TAKE NOTE. Action Required: Completing Your Enrollment

You must complete your event to insure continuation of medical coverage and flexible spending into the next plan year. If an event is not completed, medical insurance and flexible spending elections will default as waived for the upcoming plan year and your current coverage will end June 30, 2024.

Elections are completed in Workday. You will receive an Open Enrollment task in your Workday inbox on May 20.

For assistance in Workday:

  • Instructions within each tile are provided as you move through the Benefit Event.
  • Workday Digital Assist (WDA) provides step-by-step instructions directly in Workday. If you do not have access, visit this page to download and install the WDA. 

For questions, please email UPG Benefits Team.