Leaders on grounds

Military Talent Partnership

You are a leader, and you hold yourself accountable to every project and to every team. The military prepared you for a lot of things, and at the University of Virginia your specialties and subspecialties make you a valued professional. In addition to educational benefits, we partner with the Virginia Values Veterans (V3) program and other organizations to help make your transition into the civilian workforce as smooth as possible.

On a daily basis, our community of veterans, reservists, and military spouses bring diversity of experience and unique knowledge to a wide variety of careers across Grounds.

Virginia Values Veterans (V3) Program

The Virginia Values Veterans (V3) program is a Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Veterans Services program designed to help employers understand, design, and implement nationally recognized best practices in recruiting, hiring, and retaining Veterans.

UVA Military Veterans Networking Community

UVA Military Veterans Community group provides networking opportunities, education and informational resources, and support and community building, as well as an opportunity to serve as an advocate for the veteran community with University leadership.

UVA Military Vets is always seeking new faculty and staff members who are military veterans from all branches of the U.S. military. If you are a new employee, please reach out and introduce yourself. If you're interested in joining our professional group and/or gaining access to our discussion boards, please email UVa Mil Vets at [email protected].

Northern Virginia Technology Council

The NVTC Veterans Employment online community and resource is designed to connect veterans to employment opportunities in Virginia's technology community. If you're a Veteran, get started by using NVTC's Military Skills Translator to turn your experience into civilian speak.

Learn More

Resume Tools

O*NET OnLine is an interactive application for exploring and searching occupations. You can enter your military occupation and the database will translate your expertise with related civilian occupations. The database also provides the basis for our Career Exploration Tools, a set of valuable assessment instruments for employees and students looking to find or change careers.

Managing a career as a military spouse can be challenging due to frequent moves, varying credential requirements, and the added family stress of your spouse's deployments. Learn how to find and manage work opportunities best suited to your skills and needs and excel in the workforce. Develop a career plan. Explore flexible work options. Excel in work and family life.

O*NET OnLine 'Get Ahead as a Military Spouse' By LinkedIn - Click here for FREE Trial Month

UVA Veterans' Educational Benefits

The UVA Registrar supports active duty service members, as well as veterans, reservists, guardsmen, and dependents in maximizing the use of their educational benefits at the University. Your academic and professional goals are important to us as we strive to be a military and veteran friendly university.

The VA Certifying Official for UVA serves as a liaison between students and the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, State Approving Agency, and other stakeholders. The official facilitates the certification of state and federal veterans’ educational benefits, and provides assistance with understanding the requirements for utilizing educational benefits at the university.

Access the UVA Veterans’ Educational Benefits Request Form

Leave for Military Training or Active Duty

The University provides paid and unpaid leave for military training or active duty military. For more information, read about our leave policies.

  • Paid Leave for Military

    Military Leave provides up to 120 hours (15 days) for employees called to active duty or military training. Service beyond 15 days will require Leave Without Pay status.

    University Staff and Classified Staff

    Military Leave provides up to 120 hours (15 days) for employees called to active duty or military training. Service beyond 15 days will require Leave Without Pay status.

    Medical Center Team Members

    The Medical Center shall grant a military leave of absence to team members who are absent from work for active duty or military training in the Uniformed Services, in accordance with federal and state law.


    Faculty called to military duty will be placed on leave without pay. If the faculty member is a 12 month employee, he/she may take available annual leave before being moved to a unpaid status. Paid leaves of absence for military duty (limited to fifteen working days / federal fiscal year) include training time and active service.

    Follow the appropriate link for a detailed description of Military Leave policies specific to your employee type:

  • Unpaid Leave for Military

    Classified Staff and University Staff

    Military Leave provides up to 120 hours (15 days) of paid leave for active duty or military training. Service beyond 15 days requires Leave Without Pay.

    Active military who require Leave Without Pay should provide their department with a Military Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) as soon as possible.

    • Pursuant to Executive Order 44 (2003), state employees called to active duty military service in the Armed Forces of the United States and on LWOP-military are eligible to receive Active Military Supplement pay if their gross military salary plus allowances is less than their University base salary (employee will receive payment of the difference).
    • The department should send the LES to the UVA HR Leave Center to determine if Active Military Supplemental pay is due.
    • Part- and full-time (20–40 hours per week) salaried Classified and University Staff are eligible for military-related leave without pay.
    • Employees should contact UVA HR if called for active duty or for military training exceeding 15 or more days.

    Leave without pay for military reasons is usually limited to a period of 12 consecutive months. It may be extended up to an additional 48 consecutive months - if you receive a normal discharge, and up to 48 months if you are hospitalized.


    Faculty called to military duty will be placed on leave without pay by the department. If the faculty member is a 12-month employee he/she may take available annual leave before being moved to a non-pay status of unpaid leave.

  • Family & Medical Unpaid Leave

    Military may be granted up to 26 weeks of unpaid leave for a qualified exigency or to care for a covered military service member who sustained a serious injury or illness if you are the spouse, son, daughter, parent or next of kin.