Human Trafficking Awareness Training

Human trafficking exists in every region of the United States and around the world and poses a grave danger to individual well-being, public health, public safety, national security, economic development, and prosperity. 
The University is committed to an environment free from human trafficking, sex trafficking, and forced labor. The University will comply with foreign, federal, and state laws regarding human trafficking and provide means for reporting and investigating suspected human exploitation or coercion. 
human hand extended upwards to words saying stop human traffickingThis course covers the following requirements outlined in the UVA SEC-031: Combatting Human Trafficking policy

  • UVA Human Resource Employee Relations is responsible for implementing human trafficking awareness and prevention training for University faculty and staff. 
  • UVA Finance is responsible for developing awareness training for those involved in non-research contracts.
  • UVA Office of the Vice President for Research is responsible for developing awareness training for those involved in federally sponsored research.

Please review this short training course, which applies to employees within the Academic Division, the Medical Center, and the College at Wise.